DC:ART: Around My Way: Fotoweek Anacostia – starts this Saturday! Receptions 11/10 and 11/11!
me listening to NPR and playing with Amazon
I wonder how Simon Winchester’s the findings in his new book Atlantic: Great Sea Battles, Heroic Discoveries, Titanic Storms,and a Vast Ocean of a Million Stories match up to Ivan Van Sertima’s They Came Before Columbus: The African Presence in Ancient America
DC:ART:Around My Way: Organica @ BlankSpace SE
by Melani N. Douglass & Rachel Eliza Griffiths
Gallery Hours: Monday – Saturday 10am -6pm
Opening Reception: November 6, 2010 at 7pm
@ Blank Space SE : 1922 MLK Jr Ave SE Washington DC 20020
The American Poetry Museum is pleased to announce the opening of ORGANICA: Photographic Series by Melani N. Douglas and Rachel Eliza Griffiths. The works to be displayed will allow its audience to appreciate the beauty in the simplistic nature of everyday life. The exhibit will feature the works of poet and photographer Rachel Eliza Griffiths, and photographer Melani N. Douglass. It will also introduce the works of student photographer James Holiday.
Rachel Eliza Griffith’s literary and visual work has been widely published in journals, magazines, anthologies, and periodicals including Callaloo, The New York Times, Crab Orchard Review, Mosaic, RATTLE, Puerto Del Sol, Brilliant Corners, Indiana Review, Lumina, Ecotone, The Acentos Review, PMS: poem memoir story, Saranac Review, Torch, The Drunken Boat, Black Nature: Four Centuries of African American Nature Poetry, Inkwell, Black Arts Quarterly, African American Review, Comstock Review, Hambone, and many others.
“The American Poetry Museum is dedicated to celebrating poetry, promoting literacy, fostering meaningful dialogue, encouraging an appreciation for the diversity of the American experience, and educating local, national, and international audiences through the presentation, preservation and interpretation of American poetry.”
For additional information, Contact:
La’Tasha Banks, Program Coordinator
The American Poetry Museum
DC: ART: PHOTO: Oct 12, 2010: The African Presence in Latin America Photography of Jonathan B. French
DC:POETRY: Praise for Tony Medina’s “My Old Man Was Always On the Lam”
Please check out Tony Medina’s (friend and mentor) latest collection of poems My Old Man Was Always On The Lam.
Happy Birthday Trane (Repost from Sept 23, 2008)
Anyone who knows me how important John Coltrane is to me. On his birthday I am always pushed to think about what it means to be an artist and how to “be a force for good”.
Rather than try to wax further poetic about it I am going to link you to a little blog i wrote and to a website that published one of my poems about Trane.
I hope it is inspiring….
Graywolf Press and CAS51 invite you to join us as we celebrate the publication of Skin, Inc.
Everywhere With Roy Lewis events…
Please join us for the final two public programs for Everywhere With Roy Lewis
On Exhibit through Saturday, September 11, 2010 at PGAAMCC’s Gallery 110
Gallery Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 10am-6pm &
Thursdays 10am-7pm
As We See It: A Conversation with Black Photographers
Thursday, August 26, 7-9pm
Preserving Your Family’s Photographic Legacy
Thursday, September 2, 6-8pm
Please RSVP!
Parking is limited. Street Parking Available. Additional Parking available at the Bunker Hill Fire Station, 3716 Rhode Island Avenue, Brentwood, MD 20722— cross the street and walk 1 ½ blocks north to the Gateway Arts Center.