NaPoMo or NaPoWriMo? (and a poem)

So this is NaPoMo or is it NaPoWriMo (or is it both)? and the challenge is to write a poem a day…

Oh boy…

here goes nothing..or everything

for the woman I asked to share some sun with me

On this day the sun
puckered her tricky lips. she makes
an invitation for us
to warm our platonic skin
in her simple language

Convinced, I raise my gullible lips
to taste-
her lips change to a smile
as she turns her cheek,
beds down,
sliding under the sheet
of the horizon for the night

Poetry in the Schools fundraiser with Quincy Troupe & Tyehimba Jess

Folger Poetry presents

Under a Spell: Jazz and Blues in Poetry

Quincy Troupe & Tyehimba Jess

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for Folger Shakespeare Library’s

Poetry in the Schools program

Sunday, April 6 • 7-9pm
The Langston Room
Busboys and Poets
14th and V street NW
Washington DC 20009

$40 (1/2 of which is tax deductible) for poetry, music, wine, and heavy hors d’oeuvres

With an open mic- come share your favorite poems about music!
Musical accompaniment provided by bassist Herman Burney and others

Quincy Troupe’s poetry steps to the tempo of be-bop and jazz with electrifying images and variegated references. His work includes The Architecture of Language and a memoir, Miles and Me: A Memoir of Miles Davis.

Tyehimba Jess’ first book of poetry, leadbelly, steeps itself in the blues and broken-down dust of legendary blues musician Huddie “Leadbelly” Ledbetter’s South.

About Folger Poetry in the Schools:

Folger Poetry in the Schools is a way for Folger Poetry to share the excitement of reading, writing, and listening to poetry with Washington, DC Public High School students. Folger Poetry Educators conduct four to six workshops in reading, writing, and listening to poetry in DCPS classrooms. Students receive a book and a visit by one of the acclaimed poets reading in the Folger Poetry series. At the end of the five weeks, students produce and publish an anthology of their own poetry.

“The poetry project of the Folger has provided an enrichment that no teacher acting alone could ever provide. It is my hope that we can continue this program in years to come as its benefits to secondary students is tremendous.”

—Leo Bowman, Teacher, Banneker High School

To RSVP/purchase tickets to the event email Teri Cross Davis at or call at (202) 675-0374.